Sunday, December 18, 2011

Yeah I suck!! But definately trying again.

Yeah well "LIFE" has definitely changed for us and I have not kept to my goals at all!! We now have both of my nieces for the rest of the school year. I am also home schooling one of the girls and my oldest son's best friend, I will also be homeschooling my oldest (17) after he moves back home from  spending a year with his father. I also am trying to get a job. So needless to say our lives are a bit hectic. I know, I know, no excuse right?!?!?  I am also having some health issues going on right now so a call to the doctor tomorrow is in order. My goal is a weight loss of 100 pounds in a year. We took christmas pictures today and I look so horrible. I am 261lbs that is the most I have EVER weighted in my life. I want to look smoking hot in our Christmas photos next year. I am going to start this off with keeping my caloric intake between 1800~2000 a day. I know that as I loose weight I will have to adjust this amount but for now it will provide enough of a deficit that I should see some weight loss. I am also contemplating getting the Zumba videos, still not sure yet though, gotta watch our pennies ya know. Anyways I am going to strive to have at least 30 minutes of activity EVERY DAY!! I also tried the C25K and at this time I'm just not ready for that, I do plan on implementing it later on though. Anyways, I gotta get things going so wish me luck and I will try to blog here way more often too!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The beginning....

Ok so today I have made a huge decision in my life and that is to get busy living!!! I need to make some changes, not just for my family, whom I love with no end, but for myself. I need to find a path in life that makes ME happy, not one that is comfortable for everyone else. I am going to officially start my "Couch 2 5k" journey on Monday. I want to lose 100lbs. by next year. I know it won't be easy, but I HAVE to do this. I need to be healthier and happier and it seems that the weight just keeps packing on not going off, so things have to change. I am also going to find a program near me and start going back to school for something that I started almost 10 years ago. I want to be a medical assistant. I started on the path of nursing but after being so sick last year and spending so much time in the hospital I have decided that nursing is a very intense job and I don't want to be married to my job but I do want to enjoy my job and I do want to help people and I love the health care field so this seems to be a happy medium for me. At least for the time being....So that's 3 rather large goals I have for the next year. I am sure more will come along as the time goes by, but these are the main ones I want to achieve. Oh and to also try and keep up this blog thing at least a couple times a week. I will post again on Monday after my first official c25k day. Also need to clean up the eating issue but will tackle one thing at a time so as to not overwhelm myself!!!